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4,8,16,56 Alarm Inputs,GSM or Land Line Networks,No Need for a Fixed Line,Real Speech Messages,24hrs Battery Backup,Remote Interrogation,Fully Menu Driven,Call Back to Cancel, Analogue Inputs , Insurance Approved
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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 1:09 pm on February 28, 2013 Permalink |
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    Auto Dialer System for Remote Equipment Monitoring 

    Auto Dialer System for Remote Equipment Monitoring

     Looking for an Auto Dialer System for remotely monitoring your equipment? We have been designing and manufacturing auto dialer systems since 1958 to securely and reliably remotely monitor equipment in critical and industrial environments all over the world.Auto Dialer System for Remote Equipment Monitoring

    On activation our M30 can not only send real user recordable speech messages but SMS text messages, pages and local alarm signals to inform you when there is a problem on site. Unlike cheap and domestic systems the M30 is clever and can be setup to help you run your business more efficiently – for example; only report alarm calls during certain hours/days or to ring different contact lists depending on which alarm contact is activated.

    The unit can connect to both standard PSTN land phone lines as well as the mobile (cell) GSM networks, meaning the M30 can be fitted in remote locations where it is not possible/practical to get a landline. The GSM line can be used as a backup; so if the land line fails or is cut the M30 will automatically switch to the GSM network.


    Our Auto Dialer systems features include;

    • 4,8,16 or 56 separate alarm contacts.Auto Dialer System
    • Integrated battery backup.
    • Integrated mains failure detection.
    • GSM & PSTN line connections.
    • Remote interrogation.
    • Fully menu and keypad driven.
    • Plus many more….

    The M30 Auto Dialer can take alarm inputs from a multitude of equipment and devices for example;
    •    Volt free Dry Contacts.
    •    N/O or N/C Relays.
    •    Equipment status contacts.
    •    Equipment Alarm contacts.
    •    High / Low Level Sensors.
    •    Temperature Sensors.
    •    Flow Sensors.
    •    Pressure Sensors.
    •    Mains Failure Detectors.

    Our system is very easy to use and will work with all industrial and commercial equipment.


    For more information, help or pricing please contact us or visit our standard features or Auto dialer FAQs pages.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 12:24 pm on February 20, 2013 Permalink |
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    Security Auto Dialer 

    What is Security Auto Dialer?

    Simply it is an automatic electronic device that connects to a security alarm system. When it gets an activated signal it phones or texts the preprogrammed recipients to let them know there is a potential intruder on site.

    Why do I need a Security Autodialer?Security Auto Dialer

    Like the proverbial tree in the forest there is no point spending thousands of pounds having a top of the line security system installed when it does off at 3 o’clock in the morning there is no one on site to hear it. – Because of this is it imperative you should have some type of Auto Dialer attached to the alarm, so when the system goes off you will get a phone call telling you there is a problem on site.

    Our M30

    We have been producing Security Auto Dialers since 1958 and they have been used to help protect people and property around the world. Because of our long experience we have been able to design the M30 to give you all the features you might need to help protect and warn you about any problems on your remote site or property.


    • Telephone line sensing and GSM backup so if an intruder tries to cut or block your PSTN telephone line the M30 can switch across to the GSM networks and then phone or text you to inform you of the problem.
    •  Integrated battery backup that will last for around 24+ hours depending on conditions. Meaning you are still protected during a power cut.
    •  Multiple alarm inputs meaning you can connect in different parts of the site to separate alarm inputs. So when you get the call you know immediately which part of the property has the problem and where you need to go.


    M30 Auto Dialer Features include;Security Auto Dialer

    • 4,8,16 or 56 individual alarm inputs.
    • Integrated Backup Battery.
    • PSTN Telephone Line failure sensing (optional).
    • GSM Network dialing and backup (optional).
    • Individual Real Speech Messages.
    • Individual SMS alarm text messages (optional).
    • Fully menu and keypad driven.
    • 999 Approved.

    Check out for of the M30’s features here


    For more information on our Security Auto Dialer, help or pricing please contact us or visit our standard features or auto dialler FAQs pages.


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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 4:28 pm on October 11, 2012 Permalink |
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    Fire Alarm Auto Dialer 

    Fire Alarm Auto Dialer

    Having an Alarm Auto Dialer attached to your buildings Fire Alarm today should be considered essential not only your peace of mind but a lot of insurance companies now require it.

    A fire alarm without an Autodialer is a bit like the proverbial tree in the woods, if you have spend thousands of pounds getting the latest fire alarm installed with smoke and heat detectors dotted around and it is triggered at 0200 in the morning and no one hears it then it Fire Alarm Auto Dialerwas a waste of money when you arrive in the morning and find the buildings no longer there.

    Even if you have a 24hr manned site with a security office you want them dealing with the fire  and making sure the building has been evacuated not trying to find the emergency contact list.

    Most types of Autodialer supplied today are not up to the task, they are designed as cheap add-ons for residential intruder systems where if they fail and don’t dial out it’s not the end of the world. But if there’s a fire and people’s lives or your business is at stake then you need a reliable peace of equipment that is designed for the job.


    At a bare minimum you should make sure your Auto Dialer has the following features;

    • Industrial/commercially designed with quality internal components (not built as quickly and cheaply as possible using the cheapest parts around).
    • Multiple channels/inputs that allow the distinction of different areas/zones of the building.
    • Integrated battery backup (not external or made / supplied by a third party as they might not be compatible and won’t be monitored.)
    • Integrated mains failure.
    • Integrated low battery alarm.
    • Customisable messages that meet the specification laid down to dial 999.
    • Being able to program in multiple alarm message recipients.
    • Knowing that the machine will keep trying to send alarm messages until the alarm has been acknowledged.
    • Be fully serviceable (6 or 12 monthly) by the manufacturer or by a Service Company fully trained by the manufacture.
    • IP65 Enclosure to protect from moisture / dust and insects causing damage.


    For example the M30 Autodialer has the following extra features as well;

    • Channel to Roster With this feature installed each channel is in practice a separate machine, which will dial a totally separate set of alarm numbers. So for example if channel 1 was activated it would phone telephone list 1, if channel 2 was activated is would phone telephone list 2 etc.  This is ideal for a block of businesses where you want to communicate the detection of an alarm to the building owners and the individual businesses with out disturbing everyone else or buying multiple Autodialers.
    • Telephone line Backup – if the Land line fails e.g. a provider fault or the fire has taken out the line, the M30 will automatically switch to the GSM mobile/cell networks.
    • SMS Text Message – The M30 can now send SMS text messages as well as Speech messages to each recipient. For more information check out the SMS Autodialer Page.

    The M30 and its predecessors have been used around the world for the protection of People, Assets, Property and livestock since 1956.


    For more information how the M30 can connect to your fire alarm and the current Pricing please Contact Us or visit the Autodialer Features or Autodialer Options Page.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 10:14 am on August 6, 2012 Permalink |
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    Auto Dialer Alarm Manufacturer 

    Auto Dialer Alarm Manufacturer

    We (Packs Infotel Ltd) have been manufacturing Alarm Auto Dialers since 1958.


    All our Auto Dialers are wholly made and designed in the UK using industrial specification components.


    Because we manufacture the equipment ourselves we can customize your unit to your exact needs including writing special software or creating new hardware.


    For more information on our current model please visit our Main M30 Auto Dialer Page


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1 Broomfield hall buildings, London road, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0DP, United Kingdom.
 Tel +44 (0)1344 874114 Fax +44 (0)1344 874664

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