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4,8,16,56 Alarm Inputs,GSM or Land Line Networks,No Need for a Fixed Line,Real Speech Messages,24hrs Battery Backup,Remote Interrogation,Fully Menu Driven,Call Back to Cancel, Analogue Inputs , Insurance Approved
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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 1:46 pm on August 22, 2018 Permalink |
    Tags: , High Temperature Alarm, , , , Temperature Alarm Phone Dialer   

    Temperature Alarm Phone Dialer 

    Temperature Alarm Phone Dialer

    Temperature Alarm Phone Dialer

    The M60 is a dedicated Alarm Phone Dialer specifically designed for industrial/commercial environments.

    The M60 can connect to both the land line phone network and also the Mobile/Cell phone networks to send speech messages and or SMS messages.

    It is easy to connect either NO/NC or analogue Temperature Monitoring devices such as alarm thermostats. The M60 allows you to connect up to 56 individually identifiable devices.

    The M60 is used across multiple industries for Temperature monitoring including Server Rooms, Green Houses, Livestock Enclosures, Fridges, Freezers and Environmental control.

    M60 Features;

    Below is just a small selection of the features that are available, for the full list please visit our Standard Features and Optional Features pages or Contact Us.

    • 4,8,16,56 separate alarm inputs, each with their own dedicated speech message
    • GSM Phone line Connection either dedicated line or as a backup option.
    • SMS Text Messages
    • PSTN Phone line Connection
    • Integrated 24hr plus battery backup.
    • Remote Integration – you can phone the unit at any time to check its status.
    • Fully Menu and keypad driven.
    • Designed and built for industrial and commercial environments.

    Because the M60 is designed and built by us in the UK, we can customise the unit for your exact needs and situation including creating bespoke features and functions.

    For more information, help or pricing please contact us or visit our standard features or Auto dialer FAQs pages.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 2:53 pm on August 13, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , , , , , High Temperature Alarm, , , ,   

    Temperature Alarm Dialer 

    Temperature Alarm Dialer

    Our M30 Alarm Dialer is purposely designed to monitor temperatures, both High and Low in critical and or industrial environments. As an industrial Alarm-Dialer it comes with the types of feature you might expect including 4, 8, 16 or 56 individual inputs each with their own speech and or SMS message, PSTN/GSM and SMS communications, 24-48 hour battery backup and an integrated mains failure alarm to name just a few. Please visit our

    Temperature Alarm

    Temperature Alarm

    Standard features page for a comprehensive list.

    The M30 allows you to easily and simply connect multiple temperature probes, temperature sensors, thermostats and environmental computers. Once connected you can distinguish between each device very easily during an interrogation or alarm call as each connection has its own dedicated message.

    The M30 is used in a varied selection of industries to monitor temperature including; Medical, Pharmaceutical, Manufacturing, BMS, Horticulture and livestock.

    The M30 Alarm Dialer features;

    The M30 is designed and built by us in the UK, so if there is a special feature or function you need for your application please let us know and we can normally create that feature with you.

    • 4,8,16 & 56 Individual Alarm inputs.
      • Normally Open or Normally Closed alarm inputs.
      • Each with their own Speech and or SMS message.
    • User Recordable Real Speech alarm messages.
    • SMS Text Messages.
    • GSM and or PSTN connections.
    • Remote Interrogation.
      • You can phone the M30 from any phone at any time to check the current status of the alarm inputs.
    • Integrated Mains Failure.
    • Integrated Low battery Alarm.
    • 24hr + Battery Backup.
    • Industrial IP56 Enclosure.


    The above is not a complete list of all the available features but just a selection of the highlights, please visit the M30 alarm dialer Standard and Optional features pages for a complete set or contact us today for pricing.

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1 Broomfield hall buildings, London road, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0DP, United Kingdom.
 Tel +44 (0)1344 874114 Fax +44 (0)1344 874664

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